Brass Tacks

Jan 2, 2019

Our Year in 5 Photos

Here are our 5 favorite photos from our 2018!


I traveled to Knoxville and visited Clingmans Dome, the highest point of the Smokie Mountains.

I celebrated my 33 birthday with a Flacka the Flucking Flamingo Floaty Party

A giant storm downed a tree onto my vehicle in the north woods.

I spent time capturing the beautiful views from our n property.

And last but not least we have made some serious progress on our new home!


My husband had a work trip to Arizona in January so I hopped along with the kids. Me and the two littles took many day adventures while Dad was working to enjoy the sunshine.

This little guy turned 1!!!! How quickly a year goes by!

We took a family road trip to South Dakota. There were 13 of us that headed west!

As a new Tyranena Mug Club Member we spent many summer weekends at the brewery being silly and listening to live music.

Kindergarten!? What the what!? I held back my tears the best that I could.