Yes, we are women. No, We don't need you to lift that for us.
Brass Tacks
Andrea and I have a running joke - we compare and share our daily stories about the behavior of men we come into contact with during a regular work day. It's generally a lot of small little harmless comments, about a million "are you sure you can lift that?" 's over the years, and more mansplaining than we ever thought possible.

Fully understanding that we do not fill traditional "woman" jobs, we are still baffled that we are living in the year 2020 and the fact that Andrea and I:
lift heavy objects on the daily by ourselves
use power tools
have knowledge about refinishing furniture that extends past "picking out a pretty paint color"
own and operate a business with "just" us two woman
bought our workshop condo unit without any help/input/assistance from any men
know our way around a hardware store
can back up a trailer
own a Kreg Jig
and the list goes on and on and on.......................
All of this seems so hard for some of the men we encounter to believe. We are kinda over it.....

So..........we obviously need to do something about this. Men need to see women doing the things traditionally thought to be a "mans" job. If you are a capable woman taking the bull by the horns on the daily and rocking it, please send us an email with photo evidence and a few details about yourself. Brass Tacks is starting WOman Wednesday on our social and we want to share the great things us woman folk can do! We need to continue to show up for ourselves, our kids, our spouses, and the ones who need a little convincing to prove what we are capable of. Which is a hell of a lot!
After 26 years in Policing I recently retired and I have discovered a love for the creativity in refinishing other people's throw-outs... I just discovered your store and website via an ad on FB and I have my tix for Sunday. I am excited to follow you and learn from your blog posts. Here is one of my finished projects.